Our first day of chicken processing is over and it could not have gone any better! We had so many amazing friends and family who came, eager to learn and help! What a blessing! Friends helped in the processing, provided childcare, brought meals, and encouraged us with their fellowship! It was a really fun day!
We processed 88 chickens in about 5 hours! The packaging, however, took an additional few more hours than we had not expected!
We had such a great response from our community! Several people came to pick up their chicken and were able to get a tour of the process.
We got back so much positive feedback and it was uplifting to hear how many people have been wanting healthier chicken, raised with integrity!
We did find out there is some room for improvement on our packaging, so we'll need to practice the shrink wrapping some more, but other than that it was a truly successful day!
*Our chickens arrive when they are 1-2 days old. We raise them in a brooder for the first 2 weeks, after which they are moved to a portable outdoor pen. We then move them to fresh grass daily so they get a new "salad bar" along with their daily ration of non-medicated feed. They enjoy the sunshine, exercise and fresh, clean air! We butcher and process here on site so that from chick to bag, we know that the chicken we are providing is top quality. If you are interested in ordering, please e-mail us at TheWheelerParade@gmail.com.