Monday, September 22, 2008

Day to day

Ever since summer ended, I've been trying to set a new schedule for us. It took some trial and error and a lot of praying, but I believe I finally have a weekly schedule that works!

It's important to Ryan and I that our boys (even though they are young) know that their entire day can not be spent on play. While play is important, it's also important they understand there is more to life.

Here is what a week day in our house looks like: (the order stays the same, but times vary)

7:30 ~ Wake, Breakfast and Clean-up
8:00 ~ Get dressed and Boys help with Chores
8:30 ~ Play
9:30 ~ Worship and Bible at family alter
***memory verse
***Bible story
***put on the armor of God (Eph 6)
9:45 ~ "School" at table
***work on Boo's goals
***work on T-Man's goals
10:15~Play outside
11:30~Prepare, Eat and Clean-up Lunch
12:15~Read-alouds (right now we're going through Little House on the Prairie chapter books)
12:45~Boo and SJ down for naps
***"Teach Your Child to Read" workbook with T-Man or books of interest with T-Man
(right now he's interested in spiders, so we stocked up at the library)
1:30 ~ T-Man rest time
3:30 ~ Daddy home! Family time! Fun time!
5:30 ~ Prepare, Eat, Clean-up dinner
6:15 ~ Usually take a walk
7:30 ~ Family worship
8:00 ~ Bed-time

1 comment:

Laura said...

That sounds like a very pleasant schedule which is instilling great structure into the days of your little men. I'm sure its helpful for you too... I know I would need a good schedule for sure!

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