This was my longest labor yet--12 hours total! I was progressing fine and with not much pain, but when I got to a 7, my labor just stalled out. We discovered that Ezra was posterior, so I began to work really hard to get him to turn! I wore myself out doing exercises (lunges, taking the stairs in threes, etc) for almost 2 hours to get him to turn and it finally worked! I continued to labor in a lot less pain...
My midwife broke my water shortly after Ezra turned and I labored in "hard labor" for just over an hour.
Yet again, labor stalled out one last time... but soon, with a little help, we saw his head!
However, once his head and shoulders were out, he appeared stuck. It baffled all of us. My midwife told Ryan to go ahead and take Ezra by the shoulders and "deliver" him. So Ryan pulled him out and that's when we realized the reason that he kept going posterior and getting stuck half-way out...
The umbilical cord was wrapped so tightly around his ankles, he was essentially "bungee jumping" inside of me! His ankles were even blue from the cord being wrapped so tightly! (Thankfully all is okay with his feet, knees and hips!)
So little did we know, he was trying his hardest to get in the right position and come to us, but the cord was holding him tight inside me!
My midwives (Deidre and Kathy) were absolutely amazing and I was so thankful for their godly wisdom!
It was a very unusual birth for me, but the Lord taught me a lot and we are just so glad to have our little man here with us!

Wow, thankful that everything went OK. I applaud you for doing a home birth and with 4 other kids to take care of. I had a C-section with my second- a girl! And I'm worn out taking care of her and my 2 year old boy. Ezra is a cutie!
So happy to hear from you! I am expecting #5 in November...a bit overwhelmed at this point and STILL debating homeschooling ;) Go figure! The same thing happened with my fourth delivery as your with Ezra...cord around the feet! It was also my toughest delivery, but once we figured out WHY he didn't want to come down and made perfect sense! Good job, Mama are so blessed!
thanks for the birth story! Seeing your home birth pictures makes me feel so heartbroken that I didn't get to experience the hb that I had planned...but the Lord's plans prevail :) Is Ezra around 9 weeks? Our little Ian is a little over ten! I didn't realize they were so close together! So excited for y'all!
Thank you so much for sharing. I imagine you were a little worried for a bit. I've been thinking about you all, and wondering how you were doing.
Thanks so much for sharing your special day Grace! It gives me so much encouragement to hear about your birth experiences! Whatever happens during ours in 5 weeks, I know that God is in control! We're praying for NO medical interventions so that we can experience the natural birth that we really want!
Wow! What an exciting story! Scary about his legs but such a wonderful blessing that all turned out well!
Hope you're all settling in well in your new home! Can't wait to see pictures!
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