Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Home-made Wipes and my new Diapers!!!

I am SO excited about the new wipes I made! I took some receiving blankets I got on super-sale, cut them into 5x8 rectangles. Each blanket made about 15-20 wipes!

I made a cardboard cut-out of a wipe, so I could easily cut around it:
All my wipes cut up (pre-sewing)
Sewed up the edges:
Made my wipes solution and put it in a flip-lid container:
Ahhhhh...Samuel's diapers! I LOVE THE WAY THIS LOOKS...and how it makes me feel!Fresh diapers (but not for long!)

I love not worrying about having to buy more diaper and wipes every month! Plus, it just feels good (in some weird quirky old-fashioned way)!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Eating Where We Learn, Learning Where We Eat

For the time being, it's easier to have our school room down-stairs, so we moved back in our dining room! With SJ's crib being upstairs, it was just too hard working school around his now we do school WHILE he naps! It's working out great, we've been doing school in the dining room for about 2 months now.

T-Man is going through Rod and Staff's preschool/kindergarten curriculum, and "Learning To Read in 100 Easy Lessons" and then just a bunch of random extra stuff on the side (thanks to all my veteran home-school friends)!

T-Man's reading a lot of words and even some simple phrases like "see me eat".

Boo's still learning to expand his vocabulary, but he's also he's learning colors and numbers.

SJ's just learning to pull-up :)

Our New Double-Functioning School Room:

I LOVE being organized (and having so many choices/varieties thanks to hand-me-downs!):

Samuel's high-chair doubles as my easle for Brahm's school stuff:

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Flu Bug Should Migrate South for the Summer

Here we are in the middle of summer and my Boo caught the flu.

He was up most of the night throwing up and/or moaning in discomfort.

Now, I'm the type of mom that can't just watch my kid throw up. I have to swoop them up and hold them close to me. I don't know why, it's just an instinct...probably something I picked up from my mom.

In my walk of motherhood, it's nights like last night that I feel fulfilled as a mom. Yes, it's hard and sad and messy, but it is always a sweet time between the sick child and me. I get to hold them and sing and pray and quote scripture over them while they lay in arms trusting with me that God is near. My husband and I pray with the sick child that God would reveal Himself. And He always does.

Sometimes He shows up and stops the vomiting (like he did last night). Other times He shows up just to bring peace and comfort, but either way, He always comes. And I am so thankful I get to be the one that holds them in my arms when our Father shows up to reveal a glimpse of Himself to us.
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