I am SO excited about the new wipes I made! I took some receiving blankets I got on super-sale, cut them into 5x8 rectangles. Each blanket made about 15-20 wipes!
I made a cardboard cut-out of a wipe, so I could easily cut around it:
All my wipes cut up (pre-sewing)
Sewed up the edges:
Made my wipes solution and put it in a flip-lid container:
Ahhhhh...Samuel's diapers! I LOVE THE WAY THIS LOOKS...and how it makes me feel!
Fresh diapers (but not for long!)

I love not worrying about having to buy more diaper and wipes every month! Plus, it just feels good (in some weird quirky old-fashioned way)!
Hey Grace!
I came across your blog from facebook. I think cloth diapering is great. I have a few friends that do it! I would totally do it if we had a washer and dryer! Living in an apartment makes it rough! Way to go!!
~ Kara
I love your idea of the flip top lidded container! You did GREAT!
The pictures of the diapers are so sweet .....the "diaper season" of life.
God is blessing....
enjoyed visiting your blog!
Angie in Iowa
I have been considering using cloth wipes as well. We just got our fuzzi bunz in the mail today! It is so surreal that we are going to have a baby to fill those diapers soon! I'll have to get the recipe for the solution from you.
LOve Dollie
PS I saw your new blog/ministry...my heart lept for joy...I cant tell you how excited I am for you all...and for us! For the next generation to assault the world with children of Christ! We are praying for you and Ryan in this new ministry...Keep us updated!
Hey, Grace!!!!
Do you just use the prefolded diapers??? I have some Kushie's from Walmart, but I decided they weren't worth the money to purchase any more. (I only have 5 diapers, and that doesn't last too terribly long!)
Ohhh...and how are the homemade wipes working out???
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