Sunday, June 13, 2010


Growing up, and still today, my mom and I have always had a knack for accidentally showing up somewhere, wearing the same colors as the other one, on any given day.

People used to comment that we must have planned it--but we never had. When I lived with my parents, and after I moved out, it just always happened that we would end up wearing matching colors and/or clothes!

Well, back in March this happened with Liberty and I for the first time (well, on accident, that is)!

And it may sound silly, but I was so thrilled!

We were getting ready to bike to the park, so while I was getting the boys' shoes on, Ryan got Liberty up and dressed. But it wasn't until we were at the park, I was noticed that she and I were matching and I was so excited!!!

Blue tops, brown pants!

I was so giggly about it! I had to have Ryan take a picture!!!

I still don't really think Ryan "gets it"...but I just love that I have a little girl that I can match with now--on accident or on purpose!

This post was created to be linked to Mom and Me Monday on my friend, Julie's blog, but I just found out she's taking a summer break from her meme :( !

But, this post IS linked to Momentous Monday on another friends blog, Tiffany!


Shonda said...

How cute is that!

Kristin @ Yellow Bliss Road said...

You guys are so cute, and little is adorable!!! Have a great week!

Caroline said...

So very cute !!! Love it !!


Cintia Listenbee said...

that is cute! have a blessed week!!!

Tiffany said...

Oh, I get it, and that is sooo cute! Love the photo. Thank you so much for linking up to Momentous Monday!

Diana said...

Awwwwww, that is so CUTE! You two are adorable dressed in the same colors!

I don't think this ever happened with me and my sons when they were little... um, yeah, maybe not. LOL!

Have a lovely matching color week! =)

Gwen T said...

So sweet! Good thing you have a blog, hubbies weren't made to appreciate things like that! :) All of my girls are so different in this - 2 would be thrilled to match with me, 1 would rather eat a bowl of spinach than match me or her sisters! (and 1 is too little to give any opinion)

Victoria Osborn said...

That's so cute. I think it might be part of the mother-daughter relationship because mom and I still do that too!

Julie said...

Ah Grace...what a joy to have a little girl to match with. I still get tickled when my daughter wants to do everything that I do..and just be like me. What a gift. What a treasure.

Sorry about the break. But...I'd encourage you to keep taking Mom n' Me pictures. They are treasures!!

Dorcas said...

I love it when we do that. Sometimes I do it with Pete and I. Totally unintended. It's fun! Beautiful babies you have!



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