"I will fall at your feet.
I will fall at your feet.
And I will worship you here."
As we sang this phrase from a popular Hillsong over and over last Sunday at church, it just hit me like a ton of bricks.
The Lord had my attention.
This is what I've been missing...falling and worshiping here. "Here" is not "there" in our church sanctuary. "Here" is the place I'm at in life right now.
"Here" is 4 kids under 5 who are constantly wanting things from me all day.
"Here" is wiping up pee off the bathroom floor AGAIN because someone missed the toilet.
"Here" is hardly sitting down all day expect to feed my sweet baby girl.
"Here" is making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for the millionth time.
"Here" is folding the same basket of laundry twice because someone accidentally dumped it out.
"Here" is reminding my arguing boys, once more, that toys are not more important than one another...and that toys are not worth so many tears.
But most importantly, "Here" is where I need to be worshiping.
"Here" is a really, really hard place for me sometimes. It's a constant pouring out and giving of myself. But at other times "Here" is the joy of my entire being. A selfless living that makes me glad I am nothing but a wife and a mom.
The truth is, falling and worshiping at church is easy. The whole tone of Sunday morning is one for experiencing God. And my heart is ready and waiting on Sunday mornings to experience him.
But what about the rest of the week? Sure, I think about the Lord many times throughout my day. I pray little prayers all day long. I recite scripture to my boys as we carry on with daily tasks. But what about my worship in my everyday, mundane tasks?
As I continually pour out and give of myself, what is God getting? In other words, am I doing it all for Him and His Name's sake?
So I'm going to start working on this...falling and worshiping HERE.
And if I happen to stumble in the midst of my day, at least I know I'll find myself falling at His feet and not laying in front of an idol called "Me".
Good word!!
I'm home today without my 2 oldest and my husband is leading the congregation in worship (being the worship leader dude that he is), but WOW! I've hear this same word before so many times, but NOT the way you just put it! I have 5 and BOY that dumped laundry basket deal is the WORST!!! = )
So wonderful to have found you Grace! My 4th is Gracie, too. = )
Would love to have you visit me sometime!
Peace of the Lord
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