I'm so excited about this, because not only do I have SEVEN GIVEAWAYS, I also am trying something new with this giveaway...it's a unique spin on things and I explain that in the Vlog below!...
Another cool thing about this giveaway, is that I am featuring WAHM's (Work-At-Home-Moms)...so all these things are the works of a momma's hands! Yea!
(Because these are all by WAHM's some of these are kinda geared towards moms and little ones, so if that's not you, remember these could make great gifts!!!)
(Update: EVERY giveaway has been unlocked! So we will have SEVEN winners! Keep spreading the word though...people can enter up until next Tuesday night!)
(Update: EVERY giveaway has been unlocked! So we will have SEVEN winners! Keep spreading the word though...people can enter up until next Tuesday night!)
(Check her facebook page out by using the link above. She has an amazing selection and great prices!)
This assortment includes 1 salve, 1 lip balm, 1 bath tea,
and 1 aromatherapy roll-on
and 1 aromatherapy roll-on
(Be sure to check out the rest of her selection on her blog! She has matching bibs, onsies and burp cloths as well as a really neat "portable highchair" and more! Very creative and chic selection!)
#3~A signed copy of Lynnette Kraft's book,
"In Faithfulness He Afflicted Me"
"In Faithfulness He Afflicted Me"
This book is an up-close, emotional look at Lynnette's life as she walked through the death of three of her children. Her journal entries are amazingly honest and raw...yet you don't feel discouraged or even "sorry" for her. If you're at all like me, you'll find yourself encouraged by her strength and spurred on by God's faithfulness and healing in her life! It's a book like no other and worth buying even if you don't "win" it for this giveaway!
#4~ Personalized Baby Bracelet by my friend Danielle
(here in my daughter's name, "Liberty")
(here in my daughter's name, "Liberty")
On Liberty's hand:
(For information on how to order one of these darling (and affordable!) bracelets, send Danielle an e-mail at daremboldt@yahoo.com)
#5~1 fitted cloth diaper from my friend and fellow MOMYS at Angies Essentials
(Angie has all sorts of cloth diapering accessories at her site linked above! I love her selection because they are FUN, unique, homemade (of course) and are a display of her (and her helpers) awesome talents! Plus, your babies bottom will look oh-so-cute in an "Angie Essential"!)

#6~ "WAHMie" wet bag for cloth diapers
(or pool items if you don't use cloth diapers!)
*This WAHMie wet bag I bought at a second-hand maternity boutique
that is out of a momma's home, so not only is this wet bag made by WAHM's,
it was also sold to me by a WAHM! Doubly cool :)!
(or pool items if you don't use cloth diapers!)
*This WAHMie wet bag I bought at a second-hand maternity boutique
that is out of a momma's home, so not only is this wet bag made by WAHM's,
it was also sold to me by a WAHM! Doubly cool :)!
#7~Passionate Housewives, Desperate for God
by Stacy McDonald and Jeannie Chancey.
by Stacy McDonald and Jeannie Chancey.
***How to Enter***
1- Leave me a comment telling me you are a follower of my blog AND which two giveaways you like. All my "followers" will be entered automatically, so just sign in under"Follow That Bus!" and tell me you did (along with your 2 top choices)...that is one entry.
2-Additional entry: Mention this giveaway in your blog and leave a separate comment with the link
to that post and that will enter you in a second time!!
3-Additional entry: Put my giveaway on your Facebook and leave a comment telling me you did
and that is one entry!!!
4- Additional entry: Twitter my giveaway and leave me a comment telling me you did so,
and that is another entry!!!!
1- You must be a follower of this blog.
2-You have up tp 4 chances to enter your name in for this giveaway.
3-For every 5 people (not entries) who enter, the next giveaway will be "unlocked".
4-The 7 giveaways will all go to 7 different people (no person will win more than 1).
5-The giveaway will be open for entries until Tuesday night, April 6th.
And one more thing, if you are visiting from Lynnette's blog, don't forget to mention that when you comment, so you will be entered into HER giveaway too!...
See?! Now you know why I called this a "Giveaway Extravaganza"!!! :)

See?! Now you know why I called this a "Giveaway Extravaganza"!!! :)

I hope I am doing this right, of course I am a follower! :) My favorites are #2 and #4!
Do I win a prize for being the first to comment? ;)
Grace, I 'follow' you!!!
And, my two favorite giveaways are the wet bag and the Passionate Housewives Desperate for God book!
What a good idea, although I must say that seeing your 'vlog' made me miss you like crazy. No more vlogging, okay?!?
Ooooh! This is sooo exciting! It was so cool to get to hear you in person. I feel like I know you all the more now! I "follow" you and my two favorites are the Passionate housewives book and Cheryl's products. I plan on mentioning you on my blog too so I should be back!
Okay! It's on my blog too!!!
I just headed over from Lynnette's blog, you did a wonderful job Vlogging!
I am now a follower. my favorite giveaway items are the personalized baby blanket and Lynnette's book! :0)
I mentioned your giveaway on my facebok page as well. :0)
I'm a follower! I like the two books, the Passionate Housewives and He Afflicted Me. I've been wanting to read He Afflicted Me since I heard about it.
I am a follower & I like the "Passionate Housewives Desperate For God" giveaway as well as the "Cupcake Kisses" giveaway.
I mentioned your giveaway on my blog
I posted your giveaway in my Facebook status :)
I follow your blog. I am interested in Cheryl's products and Angie's diapers. Although, it was hard to decide :)
I Tweeted your giveaway on Twitter (look for RettaRoxx to verify)
Surprise! Oh wait, you aren't surprised... that's just what I normally say so I did it out of habit. (Well, actually I did it to be silly - but you knew that didn't you?)
I think this is a totally fun feature! I'm excited for others to discover your blog, because it is so cute! (and so are YOU by the way)
Your vlog was amazing! I loved it! You are WAY better at it than me. I might try again sometime because I'm determined to figure out how to do it without feeling like a complete dork.
Well, I'm off to bed. Have fun meeting some chums.
I stopped by from Lynnette's blog. This is such a fun giveaway and I loved your Vlog you are so cute! So I just became a follower and I would have to say although I like all of the options, that I like the cupcake kisses and cloth diaper the best. But I really had a hard time choosing since they are all so great.
Thanks for entering me :)
OK, I put your link on my blog too! :) I'm crossing my fingers!
Hi, such a beautiful family. Your kids look as close in age as mine are. Isn't it a blast. People always thought I was crazy having them so close in age but I love it.
I am here visiting from Lynnette Krafts blog.
I am a follower 2 and 5 are my favourites. By the way love your blog :)
added to facebbok too :)
added on my blog too
Bouncing over from Lynnette's blog!! I wanted to follow even before I seen the givaways, I think we can get along lol =]! Talk soon.
I'm from Lynnette's blog -I've become a follower of yours and I'd like to enter #1 and #3!
Grace - I love your header and play on your last name. CUTE! Your children are precious. I'm visiting from Lynnette's today and glad she introduced us to you.
Blessings and grace,
I'm a new follower, via Lynette's blog. What a fun and fabulous give-away!
I didn't know you had a blog. I've been a "friend" for years via MOMYS with you! :)
I'd love to be entered in drawing #1 and #2.
I am visiting via Lynette's blog!
I am now following you on BLoglines where I read my blogs.
My top are #1, #2 and then it would be #3 and #7!
Coming over from Lynnette's blog...I think I've visited you before. LOVE your title--hee hee...so cute. :-)
Love & Blessings,
I am a new follower just came over from lynette's blog, I love your blog name and what a great giveaway!!! My favs are No 1 and No 2
So glad I stopped by from Lynnette's Blog, Dancing Barefoot on Weathered Ground. Great blog! Your children are precious.
Love your giveaway-I posted a post on mine about coming to your blog-it is under the title
Great Giveaways at the Following Blog Address and my blog is:
I am excited about the chance to win something on your blog-I want to figure out how to do all this stuff as well. If I won I would love number 3 and number 4.
I am on my way to my facebook page next and I will leave a comment there about your blog and giveaway as well.
Happy Blogging-hope you stop by and join mine as well.
I am a follower. I like #2 & #7
Hey, I'm visiting from Lynnette's blog and I'm so glad I did! Not just because of the giveaway's either. :)
I am now a follower and my two top choices are LYNNETTE'S BOOK!! and then the fitted cloth diapers. :) I have a 15 month old baby boy. We have terry cloth diapers and one fleece one my friend made and the fleece is my favorite!!
I facebooked about it. :)
I tweeted, my Twitter name is Heathymom :)
I'm a new follower - thanks to Lynnette!!! What a great Vlog & blog.
My favorite giveaways are #2 & #3. My cousin just had her 1st child and this would make the PERFECT gift. As for #3, I've been wanting Lynnette's book for quite a while. What better than an AUTOGRAPHED copy to read! Woo hoo!!!!
Many blessings,
Grace is am now a follower of you blog. I like the cupcake kisses and the personalized blaket. I came over from MOMYS! Thanks for the fun.
Visiting from Lynnette's (getting to know you) wanted to say Hi!
I like #'s 2 & 3
I'm becoming a follower too!
My dear Gracie! I totally agree with Dollie...your Vlog made me miss you so much! I could have just cried. Anyway, of course, I am a follower of your blog. For a long time you were the only blog I ever even read and pretty much you are the one that inspired me to start blogging myself. I love all of your giveaways...they are so fun, and I think it is VERY hard to choose just two...but since that is the name of the game. I choose number 4 the bracelet (only with Bella's name of course! hehehe) and number 7 the book "Passionate Housewives Desperate for God"
Now do you think it would count for me to be in Lynnette's giveaway if I did check you out on her blog today and I am a follower of her blog, so I guess you could say I am here from her blog...but in all honesty I check in here everyday! I will let you decide on that one Lynnette!
My house is finally awake and I was able to watch the Vlog, you are to dang cute. I may one day have to nerve to Vlog myself. I also forgot to mention my 2 favorite giveaways in last post. (Now following also)
1: I love the first giveaway. I love little things to pamper myself and my daugther (4years old) also enjoys little things to do with mommy and this seems mild enough to share with her.
2: I have been waiting and wanting Lynnettes book for a while now. If I could win it, even better. If I don't win it then you bet, you will see me buying it, FINALLY.
Thank you for hosting such a great giveaway party!
Oh and I forgot to tell you that I did a blog about you today and your giveaway encouraging everyone to come over and check you out. I am not sure I have tons of readers of my own blog so I am not sure if it will create much traffic for you but it is worth a shot...and doesn't it enter me twice into your giveaway?? :) Hugs friend!
I am a follower of your blog. This was my first visit. Spotted your post on Momys. My top choices are #3 and #5.
What a great idea Grace! I love your blog update! It looks fantastic! Seeing your video just made me want to cry though. It was great, but it made me miss you SO MUCH!!!!!!! I hope to see you in person soon and give you a big hug!!!!
I just posted your link on my facebook page too! Thank you for the easy ways to enter.
Hi Grace. I am visiting via Lynnette's blog. But I am now following you via Bloglines.
My favorite giveaways would be #3 and #7.
Thanks for the chance!
All this time I thought I was a follower .. your blog automatically updates on my blog. Anyway .. can you put me down for #2 (blanket) and #7 (book) please!!FUN!
Hi Grace Anne!
I am coming over from Lynnette's blog and you have such a sweet family. God bless you, and have a great Wednesday! :)
Love and blessings in Christ,
Rachel M. from Hopejourney
Grace, this is WONDERFUL!!!!! I would love to have Cheryl's goodies and also the blanket...actually I would love all of them. :)
Thanks for the give away! Your blog looks GREAT!!!
I am now a follower of your blog (I found it on MOMYS)...and I like number 1 and 5
Your vlog is very cute and brave! =) I have been wanting to try some of Cheryl's cupcake kisses and the rest of your stuff looks great too!
following your blog
giveaway #1 and #2
I'm now a follower!
Posted on Facebook =)
Hi Grace...I'm am Linda, Lynnette's mom and I am visiting because she has featured you on "Getting To Know You". I think I will become a follower. You have such a lovely family and I look forward to reading your blog posts.
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
made post on my blog
Hi - now officially following. Top two choices : #1 and #3.
Also did a post on my blog about this giveaway. I am new - so I don't have very many followers yet :)
Link to my blog with the post: http://hisgraceabides.blogspot.com/2010/03/giveaway-very-exciting.html
Oh, I did become a follower Grace, but I forgot to say if I were to win, my first and second choices would be the books! (:>)
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
Hello! I'm a follower of your blog now, and I like giveaway #1 and #3!
Stopping by from
Lynnette's "Getting to Know You" to say Hi. I love your blog and so happy to meet you!
I have become a follower and if I were to win I would pick the two books. I am ashamed to say that I haven't gotten ahold of Lynnette's book yet and I would love to read it!
Thanks for this wonderful opportunity!
...and I blogged!
i just became a follower I am heart4home from MOMYS. my favs are the two books. i love to read :)
I'm a follower. I like #1- Cupcake kisses and #7 Passionate Housewives. shondaet@gmail.com
I'm a follower! I like #2 the blanket, and #5, the fitted diaper. Im4Christ2@msn.com
I tweeted about the giveaway @TheModestMom
Hey Grace,
I am visiting from Lynnette's blog. You have such a wonderful family. I also looked around your blog. You have a wonderful writing style and I really enjoyed your vblog :) Thanks for your inspiring blog! I will swing by again :)
I just followed your blog! My top 2 choices are the CupCake Kisses Set and the Wet Bag. Thanks so much, Misty aka Mexmarr
I twittered about your give-away!
I'm a follower!!! ♥
And I put it on my Facebook! ♥
And I blogged about it at http://kerrfamily-bytheirfruits.blogspot.com/2010/03/mommy-on-bus-says-huge-giveaway.html
Im a follower, too :) My favorites r Angies cloth diapers and the wet bag.
Great idea!
And, I tweeted it! :) My 2 favorites, BTW, I think are the Cupcake Kisses and Angie's Essentials Diapers. ♥♥ Too cute!!
Hi Grace,
I'm stopping by from Lynnette's blog. I love yours! The title is *adorable*... and the design is very fun. God bless you!! =)
~ Love,
I am now a follower of your blog! I would love the blanket and Lynnette's book. Thanks!
I shared about your blog and giveaway on Facebook, too!
Hello there! I'm visiting from Lynnette's blog! Your blog is lovely! And congratulations on being featured!! =]
This is such a neat idea Grace! How fun :)
I am a follower and I like Cupcake Kisses and Angie's fitted diaper (of course I think it is all pretty neat ;)
I am now a follower of your blog. I would love to be entered for the cupcake kisses and Lynette's book. Thanks!
I'll be back again later, but just wanted to say congrats foe being the featured blogger today!! Yay!!
I will be entering the contest, but I tried to follow your blog, but that's not working for the moment, so I'll be back to do that. I will do some of the other options too, once children are in bed tonight. :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog today!! I had already opened your blog this morning, but haven't had a chance to sit here at the computer since. I know you know how that is. LOL
I just stopped by to visit from Lynettes! I love your blog!
I posted your blog on my Facebook page :)
Grace- I love your blog!! I'm a follower!
I posted your blog on Facebook! I love the diapers and the bracelet..and the book...and everything else!!
I signed up to follow you, and have posted about your giveaway on my facebook status. I haven't put it on my blog yet, but I will! I love giveaway numbers 1,3 and 7! Oh, and I'm visiting from Lynette's blog!
I am visiting from Lynnette's :) GREAT job on your vlog! :) it was super cute. I watched the whole thing. :)
Grace, of course I "follow" your blog :) I really like the baby bracelet and the baby quilt... both so cute for our little Moriah to-be, and Liberty is an excellent model
I'll come back to leave the extra comments about my blog and my Facebook... I think that's what I should do right?! As far as Twitter goes, Matt and I enjoy embracing a life pretty clueless to most technology and Twitter still blows our minds... right along with other gadgets like iPhones, iPads, etc. :) two people out of touch are meant to be together I suppose!
So I think this earns me another "entry"?! maybe...
I'm a follower! My two favorite giveaways are the Cupcake Kisses one and the baby bracelet one. :)
I'm a follower of your blog now. Nice to meet you! I love meeting other pastor's wives and homeschooling moms! :)
I love giveaways #1 and 7... but if I won the diapering stuff, I'd give it to my sister who just found out she's pregnant and she wants to cloth diaper. She'd love that!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and introducing yourself! how fun that you read about our family... it will be nice to connect more often through our blogs!
God BLess!
Hi Grace! What a cute blog you have! You did a great job vlogging as well. I am now a follower and enjoyed reading your posts. Your children are precious!
I stopped by from Lynnette's blog to say 'hello'!
Have a blessed day!
Lyn @ Southern Homeschool Journey
Ok, Just followed your blog! it worked this time...
So I chose #'s 2 or 6! :)
Loved your vlog!! :)
Me again!!
Just blogged about it...
fun, fun!!
91 comments - not too shabby! Awesome! Going strong! Fun Fun Fun!
Make sure you go check out my new blog design tomorrow. You're going to love it!
Just told my facwbook friends :)
i love to follow your blog! this is a fabulous giveaway! i like all the prizes, but danielle's bracelet and the passionate housewives book would be my top choices!
Hi Grace! Hopped over from Lynnette's "Getting to Know YOU"... and have been having fun doing just that! What a fun blog you have - LOVE the design! Your kids are so CUTE! Have a great giveaway time! Happy to meet you! ♥
Hi. I became a follower...not only because I want those diapers (or the WAHMie wet bag), but because I've enjoyed browsing your blog :-)
Stopping by from Lynette's blog. What a fun post! So glad I was able to stop by today. I need to go and look around some more. :-)
this is so cool! The world has to become a better place as more a more people get to know you!
I love you and I love your blog!
Love from MOMYS
I like #'s 7 & 5 (ofcourse i like them all, but i had to choose right :)
I posted you on my facebook.
:) Brook
Yea, that's right, I'm commenting on my own blog post! :) I figured it'd be appropriate if comment 100 came from me :)
Alright, thanks SO much for everyone who has entered the giveaway! I'm super excited and am anxious to see who wins! (I'm sure you are too)
I've loved getting to know so many of you...I have SO many more blogs to watch now! How fun!
Second, I'm visiting from Lynnette's blog. Yep, L, I wanna be counted for your giveaway :) I have NO shame, "hot momma"!
Lastly, just wanted everyone to know I'm going to use the on-line random number generator to decide who the winners are!
Hi I am from momys I just joined your blog! WOW you did a great job I would like to join the give away for the books you are offering. Thanks off to read your blog!
nice to "meet" you via Lynnette's Getting To know You. :)
I am following your blog and would love to win # 3 or #5
Hello! I'm visiting from Lynnette's blog. I'm following your blog now and I like giveaways #1 and #3. thanks! -Maddie
I am following you now....I like #5, #6 and #1...Thanks for the chance to win!
Just Facebooked about the giveaway...thanks for the chance to win!
Hi, just stopped by from Lynette's site, looks like you are going to be having a lot of fun with giveaways. Always fun. Good job on your vlog too. :)
Thanks Gracie for sending me her way. I really did love her blog. Lots of good stuff. It looks like things are going well over here too! Lots of entries. I am so excited for you and agree with Ryan that the world is a better place now that more people are getting to know you!! Love you friend!
I put it on my FB!
I am commenting... i loved the bracelet, blanket and books... oh and everything else! :)
Surprise I linked it to my blog... that was a secret until now. It was just for Nate as a surprise. But now you know too. :) Love you!!!!
oops here's the link:
I follow! I am visiting from Lynette's blog and I would love either of the books! My youngest baby is 3. =) no diaper for me!
I follow, and you can surprise me :)
I posted this on Facebook! :)(And I have MOMYS facebook friends that can vouch for that, lol)
I am a follower :) And I would love a chance to win #6 or #7. Great giveaways, Grace!
OK...linked to and discussed your great giveaways on my blog (crunchyokie.blogspot.com). :)
Also posted on facebook :)
I am a follower of your blog. I like #1 and #2!
I blogged about it!
HI Grace! I read your wonderful comment on our family blog, and it is so wonderful to know some wonderful, caring, christian Mom's who are praying for our little man in Liberia! God Bless You! Tonight I found your blog, and am enjoying reading about your family and your give aways! Woosh! I'm hooked!
#1 or #2 are wonderful!! But all the give aways are fantastic!
Here is our Blog and is posted also! Thanks, and I will be checking up on your exciting Wednesday and maybe sooner! :)
Ooolaalaa! I FACEBOOKED Ya!!
I added you to my FB business pg Grace! TYSM for the oppurtunity!
~Cheryl from Cupcake Kisses :)
I definitely already follow you, my friend and am glad I had a minute to pop over and enter. I love the fitted cloth diapers. We are not cloth diapering, due to my dear hubby's wishes (but I may still try to sway his opinion!)
the book, Passionate Housewives looks very interesting as well. Thanks for a fun giveaway! Very original idea!
I came across your blog thanks to Kristi...She posted it on faceook! I just read Happy Wife Vs Spotless House and I must say it has giving me some perspective! Love it and I am going to pass it on to someone else I think could use it!!!
I would like to enter in your giveaway. I am a follower and posted a link on my facebook! I have never blogged before but imgoing to give that a try tonight If i can get it finished (my babies only 11 months apart dont sleep as well as i would wish LOL)So if I can get it finished tonight I will link to u there as well! Kudos to you for all this! Ive made my daughter a tutu and headband maybe i can find the time to make one for you to giveaway!!! LOL One can pray!
Oops forgot to mention My top two pics are #1 and #7
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