This year, the theme is "The King And His Kingdom". This wasn't just a random pick, the Lord specifically gave this idea to my friend Jill, who is in charge of children's ministry at our church.
So far, everything has been falling together beautifully and we're really excited to see what the Lord does with all these little prince and princesses who come to learn about Him, His Kingdom, and His desire to know them as His own!
Brahm is super excited because he's 4 this year, which means he will be able to go to VBS for the first time!
For Trusten, this coming week is special, because it was VBS last year that led him and his dad into a life-changing conversation! And on June 25th that he decided to ask Jesus to come start a work in his heart!
So we've been praying for this week as it approaches, inviting friends and helping with preperations...
I've been busy working on the VBS signs and penents...
It's been fun for me...I've been getting in touch with my crafty/artsy side!
So, please pray for the children in our community June 28th-July 2nd! And I'll try to update my blog ASAP with pictures from VBS 2010 once the week gets started!
And speaking of "updating my blog"...I know I haven't been doing much of that lately. It hasn't been on purpose...and honestly, that's been a blessing. I've "accidently" been neglecting my blog because my time has been taken up by enjoying the summer, my boys, my almost-walking Liberty Joy and my hubby's half-days!
Plus this has just been a busy, fun-packed summer so far...So, instead of "purposing" to sit down and blog, I've been wisked away by life and love :)
So if you notice me not returning your e-mails as quickly, just know that my computer time overall has been being "neglected" lately...
And if you don't see me commenting as much on your blog, know that I am staying caught up with you because I check my "reader" 1-2 times a week...but for the summer I've turned into more of a blog "stalker" than blog commenter :) !
And in the mean-time, know that I'm loving my busy, but care-free, summer!!!

Glad to see you post again - BUT I'm so glad that family is your priority like it should be. :) Have a wonderful week of VBS - may the Lord abundantly bless the teachers and work in the hearts of those attending!
Btw, I'm sticking your book in the mail tomorrow. I didn't realize you were so close to all our family in that area! John has a sister in the Girard/Pittsburg area and we'll be there for a reunion and presentations July 1-3! If we had time, we'd head your way and increase your VBS attendance. :)
I go in spurts where life happens and blogging is pretty much nonexistant too. :) VBS looks like it's gonna be a blast! I remember having so much fun at VBS as a kid.
I feel ya. I haven't been able to blog much either. I should say I haven't been driven to do it. Too much playing in the pool and library summer reading program :)
I was jus thinking about how I hadn't seen a new post in a while and you must be enjoying this summer.
I'll be praying for your VBS! I soo miss helping out with those! They don't do it at our church here in Cali :(
Was wondering where you had wandered off to, missed you! Now that I know you are just out stalking us... I'll leave the light on for you... wouldn't want you to trip over any posts. Posts. Get it? LOL!
Prayers for your VBS! Blessed are the little ones!
Have an awesome weekend, Grace!
Blog stalker.HEE! HEE! Enjoy your time with hubby! I do any time I get the chance.
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