Cleaning, scrubbing, organizing, filing, sorting, and trashing just makes me giddy! It puts a smile on my face and pep in my step!
I'm almost done with all my spring cleaning projects inside and so I thought I should spring clean my blog and let it reflect the joy of SPRING. (And yes, I'm in complete denial that tomorrow we're supposed to get hit with a snow storm that will leave us with a 6-8 inches of cold, mushy snow...)
Because today it is a lovely 64* in South East Kansas! So as I sit on my porch waiting for my sleeping babes to wake, I'm gonna give my blog a facelift...
So hang in there while I experiment! I'm gonna give myself a new "tag-line" too!
(It's the little things in life that excitement me!) :)

I posted a few pictures of the kids on my blog. You will have to go check them out! Love you and miss you!
Oh and one more thing...I need some help on posting my pics on the blog. I can't figure out how to put the pictures after my other words I want to write something on the top and then put the pictures but it won't let always puts my pictures on top...any ideas??? Thanks!
Grace the blog is looking nice :)
I love spring too! I'm not so enthusiastic about the sorting, and cleaning, but it is so nice when its done and I know the drawers and closets are neat(er)! I was thinking of sprucing up my blog too.
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