I usually don't do giveaways, so 2 in 2 weeks is unheard of for me, but I just didn't want you all to miss out on this great opportunity to win 2 more great prizes from my dear friends!
Sooo...even if you didn't win this giveaway (or even if you DID) enter for a chance to win one last time!!!
BUT FIRST, the moment you've all been waiting for!!!
Our winners!
Random.org selected...
*Grace--Cupcake Kisses!!!
*Krisiti--Angie's Essentials!!!
*Karen--Lynnette's autographed book!!!
*Mrs. McFadden--Personalized Blanket!!!
*Laura P--Personalized Baby Bracelet!!!
"Bri"--Wahmie cloth diaper bag!!!
*Pam Ponder--Passionate Housewives book!!!
(since I don't know many of you, please e-mail me your full name and address and we'll get your prizes mailed to you!) graceannewheeler@gmail.com.
Now for those of you who still want a chance to win, check out below...
~~~Hair bows from "The Hair Bow Shop" by my friend Crystal

This giveaway is acutally for THREE items from her shop! You choose!!!
Everything she has is SUPER cute and she even has CAMO ones for daddy's girls!
Her selection is awesome and she will even make them custom by request!
She also has baby head bands for bald babies (like mine)!
Can you believe you get to pick THREE?!?!
~~~A custom-made "Bundled In Prayer" shawl or blanket by my friend Christina
**(a shawl can be made for anyone, anysize, any age!)
**(the afghan would be perfect as a baby blanket or a throw for your couch!)

This giveaway is acutally for THREE items from her shop! You choose!!!
Her selection is awesome and she will even make them custom by request!
She also has baby head bands for bald babies (like mine)!
Can you believe you get to pick THREE?!?!
~~~A custom-made "Bundled In Prayer" shawl or blanket by my friend Christina
**(a shawl can be made for anyone, anysize, any age!)
**(the afghan would be perfect as a baby blanket or a throw for your couch!)
Bundled in Prayer is a 100% NON profit ministry. All proceeds go to charities such as Gleaning the Harvest (fund raising for single or widowed homeschooling moms)!
What makes these afghans and shawls so special is that she only takes custom orders so that she can pray specifically for the recipient!
If it's a blanket for your baby, she has prayed over your baby while making the blanket! If it's a shawl for your little girl, she has prayed for your little girl while making her shawl!
Isn't that awesome?!
To Enter
***Leave me a comment***
Extra Entries
***Become a follower of the Hair Bow Shop for TWO entries***
***Update your Facebook, Twitter and/or your blog about this giveaway
and each will be ONE entry***
((just leave a comment telling me which ones you did)
Extra Entries
***Become a follower of the Hair Bow Shop for TWO entries***
***Become a "fan" of Bundled in Prayer on Facebook for TWO entries***
***Put my button "The Mommy On the Bus Says" on your blog for TWO entries***
***Be a follower for TWO entries***
***Leave a comment at either site for ONE extra entry******Put my button "The Mommy On the Bus Says" on your blog for TWO entries***
***Be a follower for TWO entries***
***Update your Facebook, Twitter and/or your blog about this giveaway
and each will be ONE entry***
((just leave a comment telling me which ones you did)
Come back in ONE WEEK to find out if you are a winner!!!

I am a follower here and I am already a follower of The Hair Bow Shop. ;) I am adding your button to my blog right now! :)
Are we to leave seperate comments? I just added your button. I follow you on GFC.
Oh man, I was really hoping to win. :) Thanks for having a giveaway for my bows. You are a very sweet person!!
I would love to have a "bundled in prayer" blanket!! :)
I am a follower of The Hair Bow shop!!! Crystal is a very dear friend of mine. I am so happy for her with this new online store. Thanks for doing this giveaway for her1!!
No need to leave separate comments, just tell me which ones you do and I'll make sure when I write my list, that you get an entry (or two) for each one!
I am a follower here and I became a fan of bundled in prayer on facebook! yeah for another giveaway! :)
I would love to win some hairbows for my little girls!
I would love to win free hair bows. The blog looks great. Keep up the good work Crystal.
yay! thanks Grace for your give-away idea... I'm a thrilled recipient :)
Congrats to the winners! That was a fun giveaway Grace.
I wish I had another little girl.
I wish I had another little girl.
I wish, I wish, I wish, I had another little girl.
(That's the way I feel after seeing your new giveaways).
I have learned that whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content! There, I feel better now. :)
Yea, I won!! I just emailed you my info! Of course, I gotta enter again... SO, I updated my blog with your new giveaway, and I added your button (which I would've done anyway, 'cause I'm loving your blog. ;)), I updated my twitter and my FB, I started following Hair Bow Shop, and became a fan of BIP on FB (didn't know she had a fan page... how cool!!). Um, I think that's it. LOL
Hi there, I am a follower of your site as well as the Hair Bow Shop and am a facebook fan of Bundled in Prayer. I will go now and share this on facebook as well as leave comments on the other sites. I'm excited as I was just looking at Crystals bows yesterday.
Just to clarify.. the prize does not have to be for a baby or child... I have done MANY for adults and older children! The prize is either a shawl (any size) or a small sized afghan/throw!
I am already a follower! :)
I'm a follower and I became a follower of Hair bow shop.
Just became a follower of the Hair Bow shop.
A fan of Bundled in Prayer.
Left a comment on Bundled in Prayers wall. :)
Last but not least, I jsut added your button to my blog.
There maybe I can win something this time, if not it is still lots of fun!! :)
Hi Grace!
Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you, but THANKS SO MUCH for your really uplifting comment on my blog this week! That really made my week!
I went and checked out Sara's blog too and really enjoyed reading about her life in Guatemala! I love reading about missionary moms; so inspiring! Thanks for the hookup!
Hope to keep in touch! ' Love reading your blog!!
Congrats, Crystal, you're doing a great job on those bows!!!!!
Grace, you are doing a WONDERFUL job helping your friends out ~~~
Hi Grace! I decided to wait and NOT be the first to enter this time...I've never seen #1 win anything! LOL... Cute giveaways! :)
Cute giveaway! I'm a follower of your blog :)
Added your button to my blog. Put a message on Facebook. Became a Follower of both blogs. Can't find Bundled in Prayer on Facebook?
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