Their room is "waaaaay" upstairs. So in order to avoid countless trips up and down the CREEKY stairs (which I try to definetly avoid during the early morning and nap time--for my sleeping babes), I have brought a bit of the upstairs...downstairs!
This has been wonderful for me because right now I try to leave the door to the upstairs closed because of my curious, crawling, climbing Liberty Joy! So the less trips upstairs, the better!
It's their responsiblity to keep their drawer "stocked" with extra shorts, shirts and undies. They also use their drawers to put important "treasures" that they don't want to forget to play with after naps, or the next day!
It saves me some hassle, helps things running smoothly and keeps things a little more simple around here...which I always need!
This post is also linked to Real Clean Wednesday and Works For Me Wednesday.
And if you hop over HERE to I Dream Of Clean (host of Real Clean Wednesday), she's having a fabulous giveaway for a cleaning dream come true!! I could finally say goodbye to my tupperware bowl that holds my random supplies! :)
This post is also linked to Real Clean Wednesday and Works For Me Wednesday.
And if you hop over HERE to I Dream Of Clean (host of Real Clean Wednesday), she's having a fabulous giveaway for a cleaning dream come true!! I could finally say goodbye to my tupperware bowl that holds my random supplies! :)

I'm really diggin this idea! Although I don't currently have more than one level, I may one day. You are so smart. Oh, and giving the kids the responsibility of keeping the drawers stocked is fantastic!
Thanks, I'll keep this in mind when I move to a two story house over the summer!
Nice to meet you. Drop by and see me.
Great idea and I did that when we used to have a upstairs. I kept things in the downstairs closet so I didn't have to run up there all the time. I like your idea of having the kids help out.
Grace I really wish you were closer to remind me of these good ideas when the time comes for me to need this kind of help! Keep posting, because I'm reading for sure. And then I feel like you're kind of here :)
I think more rubbermaid thingies is just what my house needs. It's old too and very very short on the storage space. Did people 150 years ago not have STUFF to put in their closets? Lol!
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