But it's not the kids fault! So whose fault is it?
Mine. Yep, that's right, it's my fault.
However, there IS a method to this madness! It's a little cleaning tip that I've always used in my house.
To start off though, one thing you gotta know about me is that I struggle with not obsessing over the cleanliness of my house. So I have to be careful how much time and attention I devote to cleaning and picking up.
But that's why a "10 minutes tidy" works great around here for me and the kids! Our twist to the 10 minute tidy is turning the lights on in every room...
Because the only thing I loathe more than a messy room, is a light left on in an empty room!
But that's why a "10 minutes tidy" works great around here for me and the kids! Our twist to the 10 minute tidy is turning the lights on in every room...
Because the only thing I loathe more than a messy room, is a light left on in an empty room!
All the lights in the house go on. Once the room has been picked up (and/or cleaned) after 10 minutes of being at it, the light goes off and we move to another room in the house. And the light STAYS off.
Here's an example: In the mornings, the boys know that they turn off their bedroom light once their beds are made and their clothes are off the floor. Then and only then, do they turn off their light. Even if they chose to eat breakfast first, they know their bedroom light needs to be turned out quickly afterwards...but still, they know what a turned out light means...and I'll be checking with them to make sure 1)beds are made 2)clothes are in the hamper.
What helps me with the whole "Light On, Light Off" thing, is if I start to get overwhelmed by the messiness of the current room we're playing in, I can look around, see all the lights off in other rooms and know all is clean (or at least a few rooms are clean)...with the exception our one current room we're in.
Plus, I know at our next 10 minute tidy, which rooms need attention!
The other side of this is, if I sit down at the computer towaste time blog, e-mail or surf, but I see a light on, I know that I should probably give that room a little love before I settle in to computer time!
It works for me!!! And helps me not to be distracted by messes in other rooms...because sooner or later it will get a 10 minute tidy...if the light is on! :)
This post is also linked to Real Clean Wednesday.
Here's an example: In the mornings, the boys know that they turn off their bedroom light once their beds are made and their clothes are off the floor. Then and only then, do they turn off their light. Even if they chose to eat breakfast first, they know their bedroom light needs to be turned out quickly afterwards...but still, they know what a turned out light means...and I'll be checking with them to make sure 1)beds are made 2)clothes are in the hamper.
What helps me with the whole "Light On, Light Off" thing, is if I start to get overwhelmed by the messiness of the current room we're playing in, I can look around, see all the lights off in other rooms and know all is clean (or at least a few rooms are clean)...with the exception our one current room we're in.
Plus, I know at our next 10 minute tidy, which rooms need attention!
The other side of this is, if I sit down at the computer to
It works for me!!! And helps me not to be distracted by messes in other rooms...because sooner or later it will get a 10 minute tidy...if the light is on! :)
This post is also linked to Real Clean Wednesday.

Oooooh! I like this idea! Very creative!
Wonderful idea! I love it. Thanks so much for sharing!
I like that you have a system and can know with one glance which rooms are clean! This is such a great idea!
What a super idea!! I am just beginning to learn how to manage babies and home :) I will remember this, and love how you include your boys and are teaching them to be resonsible.
Also, your post on losing weight was so challenging. I am so proud of you sweet friend. I was just telling Chris tonight I am ready for detox mode-its always a spirtiual battle for me. love to you...oh and i HOPE to see the Wheeler family very soon.
brilliant and practical idea Grace, thanks!
Thanks for visiting my blog! You look very busy with your family too! Wow, 4 kiddos! Great ideas for keeping the house tidy. I know that if the house isn't clean momma isn't so happy. I need to work on that! :)
You are amazing! Thanks for the encouraging tips! I check your blog daily! God is using you in mighty ways!
What a great idea and I love it. Thanx for following my blog and the sweet comment. I'm following you now too.
Have a great day and what a beautiful family !!
Very good idea. This would be a helpful habit to start when we get settled after the move. Thanks for sharing! I've come from the other end of the spectrum and struggle with diligence in this. It gets too easy for me to look past the mess and get really involved in whatever current activity is happening. I like the visual reminder this gives that a room needs attention because I too hate lights left on! Thanks again.
love this, very helpful!
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