For the past 6 years I have either been nursing or pregnant. That's not a funny's the truth. The last 6 years has been non-stop, constant cycle of pregnant, nursing, pregnant, nursing, get the point.
And I have loved every minute of it! The problem is I have also loved every minute of excuses like "I'm eating for two" or "The baby wants another large chocolate chip cookie dough blizzard made with the chocolate ice cream...and a side of french fries".
So as a result of my "excuses" to eat, overeat and eat unhealthily, I started gaining with my first baby and kept on gaining with each pregnancy. What's worse, is after my pregnancies, I never attempted to loose the weight...although I did have some high hopes that breastfeeding would be a good, natural way to loose some weight.
Wrong. For some reason I was not (and still am not) one of those blessed women who looses their baby weight while nursing. I'm the opposite. I usually lose weight during my pregnancies (just a little--thanks to vomiting from morning sickness--yuckola!) and I gain while breastfeeding.
So with each pregnancy, I would lose a little at first, gain a lot by the end of my pregnancy, but gain more during the babies first 9 months...then I'd get pregnant again, lose a little at first, but gain more by the end of the pregnancy, but gain alot after the baby...and there's the cycle again!
I have never been someone overly concerned with my weight. In fact, (I told you I'd be honest) with my baby weight, I took the lazy way out and told myself that I was doing a "noble thing" by not stressing over the vanity of my weight and continuing to have babies...and that I was a better person for doing so.
"Do nothing out of...vain conceit", right?
Well, I had twisted that Truth to support my laziness, when in reality, I was being a horrible steward of my body that was bought at a price, because it wasn't just sheer "baby weight" that had caused me to gain so much. It was really, really poor eating habits.
(Our family at the Tulsa Zoo)
(May 2008)
Remember when I said I've never been overly concerned with my weight? Well, I've also never been a healthy eater. Those are a bad combination!!!
So what was the result of 4 back-to-back pregnancies with never even an attempt to lose weight? Well, after my Liberty Joy arrived, I was 45 lbs heavier than I was when my husband and I first got married.
That might not be so bad to some, but for me, it meant my blood pressure was out.of.control. When I was active, I would feel dizzy and weak. I'd get blurry vision and I felt slow and heavy. I knew I needed to change something...but I didn't have any motivation or will-power.
I had never in my life tried to lose weight. How could I just all of a sudden learn to do it now? I had somewhere in the past convinced myself I *could*not* lose weight...otherwise wouldn't it have come plummeting down by chasing my boys around all day? So I was sure that even if I tried, I wouldn't be able to do it.
Then came my "appointed kick-in-the-pants". My amazing and caring midwife gently told me that before I get pregnant again, I should really try to lose some weight--mainly due to my blood pressure issues. It was hard to hear, but I *needed* her to say that to me. I needed a reality check. I needed to stop being SO selfish about my body.
I knew the answer wasn't to stop having babies...or stop trusting God. But instead the answer was seeking the Lord's will in what I eat, how often I eat and why I eat.
So I started to make a plan...and guess what? With the Lord's worked!

Also in this series:
Losing 30 lbs--Part 2 (How I Did It)
Losing 30 lbs--Part 3 (How I Ate)
Losing 30 lbs--Part 4 (Exercising With 4 Littles Kids)
Losing 30 lbs--Part 5 (What God Did)
So what was the result of 4 back-to-back pregnancies with never even an attempt to lose weight? Well, after my Liberty Joy arrived, I was 45 lbs heavier than I was when my husband and I first got married.
That might not be so bad to some, but for me, it meant my blood pressure was out.of.control. When I was active, I would feel dizzy and weak. I'd get blurry vision and I felt slow and heavy. I knew I needed to change something...but I didn't have any motivation or will-power.
I had never in my life tried to lose weight. How could I just all of a sudden learn to do it now? I had somewhere in the past convinced myself I *could*not* lose weight...otherwise wouldn't it have come plummeting down by chasing my boys around all day? So I was sure that even if I tried, I wouldn't be able to do it.
Then came my "appointed kick-in-the-pants". My amazing and caring midwife gently told me that before I get pregnant again, I should really try to lose some weight--mainly due to my blood pressure issues. It was hard to hear, but I *needed* her to say that to me. I needed a reality check. I needed to stop being SO selfish about my body.
I knew the answer wasn't to stop having babies...or stop trusting God. But instead the answer was seeking the Lord's will in what I eat, how often I eat and why I eat.
So I started to make a plan...and guess what? With the Lord's worked!

Also in this series:
Losing 30 lbs--Part 2 (How I Did It)
Losing 30 lbs--Part 3 (How I Ate)
Losing 30 lbs--Part 4 (Exercising With 4 Littles Kids)
Losing 30 lbs--Part 5 (What God Did)
Grace, thank you so much for your is an encouragment to us all! You are a real inspiration to me as a mother! I am so proud that you are continuing to seek the Lord's best for you and I know He is so pleased with you!
Good job! I need to get on the weight loss thing too... same reasons as you, for my health! I'm noticing more and more how *unhealthy* I've let myself get, and need to do something about it! I have quite a bit more to lose though, around 80 lbs. Can't wait to see how you did it!
I can't wait to hear the rest of the story!!! I'm a "nursing gainer" too and have been so convicted about my laziness in my eating. Thanks for being so real with us! You are a great encouragement!
I can't wait to read your next post. I have been pregnant 2x. During my first pregnancy I lost weight. Right after my son was born, I lost some more weight and was doing great. Then my Dad ended up in the hospital and after a few months he passed away. I gained weight and blamed it on the stress. Then I got pregnant again. I lost weight during the pregnancy and after my 2nd son was born. When my newborn was 2 weeks old, my husband was diagnosed with Leukemia. I gained a ton of weight and again blamed it on stress.
I've decided that I need to quit finding excuses. I need to get off my butt and do something about it.
Now, I have to go get some lunch (haha).
Kelli Hooyer
i have a wedding day weight by august 19th (125lbs). my half-way point was feb 19th, at 135 lbs (down 26 lbs) and i made it! just 6 more months. . then i can get pregnant again! my secret was seriously smaller portions, and no eating past 8pm. mainly. and going to the YMCA at least twice a week (the girls LOVE the workers there & play area, so that helps uh-lot, and it's a great refresher for me). i'm looking forward to hearing what your secret was! : )
Great job on weight loss. Can't wait to hear more!
You are so awesome and brave! Way to go Grace! You also look great! Go Grace go! You inspired me too. April 1 I threw out most of the candy and junk food and re-resolved to get back on a healthier eating plan.
I just caught up on your last two posts, and can I just say THANK YOU?! I respect your honesty and willingness to be vulnerable to help others through this. I haven't had babies (YET!!!) but weight and unhealthy eating have been a bit of a battle for me for years. I've been scared of pregnancy b/c of the weight problems I'll face post-partum...and if I couldn't lose what I needed to now (sans babies) how was I going to lose it THEn?!
Only the last 4 months have I really turned things around and lost the 20lbs I'd gained since my wedding day May 2008. I feel like I know my body better, and I don't feel like I NEED to overeat for fear of "missing out" on the good food. I feel so much better and only have a couple more pounds to my goal weight!
Hearing your story, though, truly inspires me for the future. Be aware...I may come back for some serious advice when my time comes for losing post-baby weight! :) I look forward to parts 3-5!
Reading your story part 1 was the motivation I needed. I could tell it like my own, I have 4 kids, perfectly happy with my slightly overweight body, busy taking care of everyone, but when I read your line the part where you admitted that you were eating bad, and that you were not being a good steward of your body, I knew I was also. I was frustrated and depressed over the weekend, and come Monday I was done! I went shopping for the good stuff, I made up a weeks worth of healthy meals for myself so that I won't be tempted to eat the other food my family will be enjoying. Day 2 in and I am excited that I am doing this! Even went to the gym last night, that strange foreign place I have been paying membership on for a year and haven't visited. So I just wanted to pop in and say thank you for your story, as it helped to kick into gear what I had been thinking about for a few months.
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