I have REALLY been enjoying Wednesday's Walk Down Memory Lane because not only has it encouraged me to scan some pictures in, but it also has been such a blessing to look back at the birth of my blessings!
Last week, I told you about the "plans" my husband and I had when we started our marriage and how the Lord intervened and asked us to surrender my womb to Him. A short time later, we had our first born, Trusten. At the time, we didn't know what that meant for future babies, but when Trusten turned 9 months old, we discovered we were pregnant again!
This time, we weren't in such a stable place as before...
My husband was the "Director of Student Ministries" at our large, growing church in Kansas City...but the Lord was calling us away. Honestly, the calling made no sense to us..."a town in the middle of Kansas? Why there, Lord? Is this a joke? What will Ryan do for a job? What's you plan for us there?"
We asked and asked the Lord our hundreds of questions, but got the same answer every time.
Last week, I told you about the "plans" my husband and I had when we started our marriage and how the Lord intervened and asked us to surrender my womb to Him. A short time later, we had our first born, Trusten. At the time, we didn't know what that meant for future babies, but when Trusten turned 9 months old, we discovered we were pregnant again!
This time, we weren't in such a stable place as before...
My husband was the "Director of Student Ministries" at our large, growing church in Kansas City...but the Lord was calling us away. Honestly, the calling made no sense to us..."a town in the middle of Kansas? Why there, Lord? Is this a joke? What will Ryan do for a job? What's you plan for us there?"
We asked and asked the Lord our hundreds of questions, but got the same answer every time.
"Go. And I will show you."
So we spent most of my pregnancy with Brahm visiting this town, it's churches, talking with pastors, putting in job applications. And when I was nine months pregnant, the Lord opened a door.
A man called with a job for Ryan, but he had to start in two weeks. TALK ABOUT CRAZY!
So a month before my due date, we packed up our house in a U-Haul and sent Ryan off. Trusten and I moved in with my parents and we waited for our second baby to be born. I was SO scared Ryan would miss it.
Ryan came to visit us the Friday of Memorial Day Weekend and guess what?!?! Early Saturday morning I went into labor!!!
This time, I was only 8 days over due and my labor was only 3 hours long! I call him my miracle baby, just because when he was born, the cord was around his neck and according to everyone in the room, he was blue...but I didn't know this until a few minutes later, after they assured he was SAFE and HEALTHY and my hubby explained what had happened! He was a little guy...
So we spent most of my pregnancy with Brahm visiting this town, it's churches, talking with pastors, putting in job applications. And when I was nine months pregnant, the Lord opened a door.
A man called with a job for Ryan, but he had to start in two weeks. TALK ABOUT CRAZY!
So a month before my due date, we packed up our house in a U-Haul and sent Ryan off. Trusten and I moved in with my parents and we waited for our second baby to be born. I was SO scared Ryan would miss it.
Ryan came to visit us the Friday of Memorial Day Weekend and guess what?!?! Early Saturday morning I went into labor!!!
This time, I was only 8 days over due and my labor was only 3 hours long! I call him my miracle baby, just because when he was born, the cord was around his neck and according to everyone in the room, he was blue...but I didn't know this until a few minutes later, after they assured he was SAFE and HEALTHY and my hubby explained what had happened! He was a little guy...
6lbs 11oz, 19 inches long
Our first photo together...
Meeting His Big Brother Trusten
I can still hear Trusten saying, "Nosh" as he investigated the tiny nose!
The story of his name:
Everyone wants to know, "Why 'Brahm'?" Here's the answer...
Through my pregnancy with him, in the midst of our new calling and move, we really resonated with the story of Abraham. God called him to an unknown land and Abraham just obeyed. So being strengthened and encouraged by such faith, we wanted to give him a name that reflected that! "Abraham" seemed too big for a little guy, so we called him "Brahm". So now you know, it's not because we love ice cream! :)
Our Sweet Little Man!
My very favorite photo...Brahm looks SO tiny in his daddy's arms!
Our new family!

Us with our Parents
Time to go home! Trusten was excited to have a backseat partner!
1 week after Brahm's birth, we moved to the small town in Kansas, where we live now.
The Lord has done great and mighty things and continues to. He led us here to heal us and restore us from bondage we weren't even aware of! He is using my husband in amazing ways...they may not be in ways that will ever get him the type of attention he had up in Kansas City, but he is changing lives and has already lead many to the Light of Jesus!
The Lord has done great and mighty things and continues to. He led us here to heal us and restore us from bondage we weren't even aware of! He is using my husband in amazing ways...they may not be in ways that will ever get him the type of attention he had up in Kansas City, but he is changing lives and has already lead many to the Light of Jesus!
The Lord has blessed us beyond what we could have even dreamed. We are happier now than we have EVER been.
And being in this small, rural town hasn't been the key...the key has been being in the center of God's will...which currently just happens to be in this small, rural town that we LOVE! :)

Another wonderful birth story! Isn't is amazing the things that God leads us to do and then being able to look back and see His mighty hand through it all? Beautiful! I know that had to have been so hard though. And I love the thought behind his name! thanks for sharing this with all of us!
What a neat story! Thanks for the advice yesterday on my posting.....it worked :) Have a great Wednesday, Grace!
I absolutely love your memory lane stories! After your first one last week, I immediately wanted more. :) I love each personlized story behind each of your babies...how special for them to be able to one day read about how you guys selected their names! Very cool.
I love this, Grace! How were you SO beautiful and radiant after childbirth?! Wow!
And I feel like our stories of God taking us into the unknown are quite similar. Did you see my post from Monday/Sunday night? :D
I love this story. I just love reading your blog. I don't take the time out to read very many anymore but I still read this one.
Guess what, we even have the same car seat!
Beautiful story - what a blessing our children are! And what a great thing to write down those precious memories of their births.
Thanks for sharing!
BTW, I love you new profile pic!
Your faith is beyond inspiring! Thank you for sharing.
Braham was the same exact size as my oldest daughter when she was born! And I can't get over how tiny he looks with your hubby holding him! Could my Hannah have ever been that small??
I love his name...Braham...and your reasoning for it. I have always been in awe of Abrahams story, in that he trusted The Lord so much that he just would up and move wherever He needed him to go! How brave of you to have the same willingness to follow what God wants for you. It would have been so hard for me to do that, especially with having a newborn baby in tow! I'm still trying to figure out what God has in store for me. Maybe I just need to LISTEN more!
What a great story of being on mission with God - and a great story to share with Brahm about the circustances surronding his birth. He will know from that how important Christ is and how much we need His guidance on our lives!
Before I read how you got the name, I had figured it out. I love it!
Once again Grace, your post is so very encouraging! Your willingness to be faithful to God's call inspires me to listen and obey. Thank you!
Your children are blessed to have such an amazing legacy of Faith!
Oh I love this! Isn't it funny how we have all of these questions for God, and He always knows what's right for us. Why do I question??
Thank you for sharing your birth stories! I love them! It inspires me to dig into the recess of my memory, (have to start 18 years ago), and write mine down.
I love the picture of your husband with the baby. He does look tiny and sweet.
Three hours! That had to be intense.
Thanks again,
Awwwwwwww, what a sweet, sweet story of Brahm's birth and his name... and your move! God does such amazing and good things, doesn't He! You guys are truly a testament to the Lord's command to follow Him and trust what He says. Amen!
Can't wait to hear about the other two now! :D
P. S. Doesn't look like you've aged a bit in any of your photos, my dear! :)
Hi Grace! I am from MOMYS (5sweetones), though I don't do a lot of posting these days. Your family is beautiful! That picture of your little man in his Daddy's arms is priceless. Perfect! I'll be a frequent visitor from now on!
Too cute! I rally enjoyed your story too. What a blessed life we live with our children. I can't imagine my life without my children. They have made it that much more special.
Warm wishes and blessings to your family!
I loved your birth story and also the way that you follow God's leading. I love to hear how young families are loving the Lord and serving Him.
Wednesday's Walk is a good place to recall how God has blessed and provided for our needs.
May He continue to fill all your days with Love!
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
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