Last time I posted pictures from in-laws' farm it was almost EXACTLY a year ago and there was new life on the Wheeler Farm (see HERE). And this time, not only are my in-laws at a new home (and farm) but there is once again new life!
Missy (the boys' miniature horse) gave birth to a baby miniature in other words, it's a TINY TINY horse! Trusten named him "Rocket Jr", so he's RJ for short!
(Charlie really liked the farm too!)
Our boys love Papa and Nina's new house! Trusten and Brahm have both worked on gardening with their "Nina"...
and Samuel just likes the bird baths! He plays in their bird baths 90% of the time during our visits! (I'm NOT kidding) While Liberty is learning her homemaking skills indoors :)

(the boys are obviously ready to eat some "Papa burgers"!)
(the boys with their "Nina")
This is how the Wheelers make a double stroller into a triple stroller...
On our walk we saw the most beautiful sunset! (Or course this picture doesn't do it justice at all!)
As soon as we were back from the walk, the boys gladly followed Papa to the barn to help with evening chores!
Now THAT is a fun, full day!!!
What was your weekend like? Or just wanna share with us what your family does for fun?
Link up your post below, so we can all check out how you spend Family Time!
awesome. i have so many pictures of the girls playing in the bird baths. karis was the only one so far to actually pull one on top of her. yikes! what is it about those bird baths!
Your pictures are great! Thanks for commenting on my blog about The Full Quiver....I laughed when you mentioned the 18 wheeler idea!!!!!
I know... sadly AB isn't my favorite... I did like it though! :) This is totally the BBQ time of year too... ahhh...I think I hear a trip to KC in the future! hehe
I love all the pictures! I miss my camera... I think it grew legs and ran off to hide from me. Probably got sick of being dropped all the time. :-/
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